Simplified billing

We have greatly simplified our automated billing! No action is required from you, but below you can find an overview of what has changed.

  • If you are on one of our new plans (Discover, Build or Advance), you should not notice any changes.

  • If you are on one of our old plans (Basic, Grow or Advanced) and have multiple stores, you will now receive only a single invoice each month, instead of a separate invoice for each of your stores. The price for each store will still be shown as separate line items in the invoice. This change also means that you should expect only a single charge from your credit card each month, instead of multiple smaller charges.

With this change, we have also removed the option to send billing-related emails to the email address of the store being invoiced - if you have had this option selected, you will in the future receive billing-related emails to the email address of your main location. If you wish to have these emails sent to another address, please set up a custom billing email address under Plan & Billing > Billing email.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions regarding how Rentle billing will work in the future!